ada access information


This number can be used by guests with disabilities to call for an ADA-accessible golf cart to provide transport if needed during race weekend. It can also be used by guests with disabilities if they need another form of assistance as well. The golf cart routes and stops are shown on the map below in red:

ADA PARKING INFORMATION: Parking for guests with disabilities is available but must be reserved in advance by contacting the Ticket Office at (888) 827-7333. Each guest must have a valid blue State of California disabled parking placard or plate displayed on their car or it will be towed away at owner’s expense if parked in Disabled Parking spaces. The person to whom the disabled parking placard or plate belongs to must be present in the vehicle as either the driver or a passenger.

ADA TICKETING INFORMATION: Each disabled guest may be accompanied on race weekend by one attendant/companion with ticket in wheelchair-accessible grandstand seating areas. Tickets can be reserved in advance through the Ticket Office, either by calling (888) 827-7333 or purchasing on-site at one of the four ticket booths located at the major entry points to the event.



  • Red entry – at the “Roller Coaster” Bridge
  • Yellow entry (Pine Ave.) – on the Promenade at the Birdcage
  • Green entry (Long Beach Blvd.) – elevator at Terrace Parking garage
  • Blue entry – via foot crossing at Firestone Bridge and at Linden Ave & Shoreline Dr. between Grandstands 26-27

WHEELCHAIR/FOOT CROSSING POINTS: (also shown on the circuit map)

  • At the Firestone Bridge
  • At Linden Ave. & Shoreline Dr. between Grandstands 26-27
  • At Shoreline Dr. and Pine Ave. in front of Grandstand 7
  • Foot crossings will open when there is a break in racing activity on the racetrack. The Acura Grand Prix app will push foot/wheelchair crossing times out via user-enabled, opt-in notifications.  The PA announcers will also give a pre-announcement and also announce when the crossings open. Times are subject to change due to on-track activity.


Service animals are permitted throughout the venue. However, emotional support animals, therapy animals, companion animals, and pets are not permitted into the event. Any animal whose task is to provide protection, emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship is not considered a service animal and will not be allowed into the venue. Only service animals that have been individually trained and are under the proper care of their owners will be allowed within the premises. 

The following guidelines must be followed:

  • All service animals must be verified by the Accessibility Coordinator or Manager before entering the event venue.
  • Once verified, service animal handlers will be asked to fill out a Service Animal Agreement before proceeding into the event grounds. Once signed, service animals will receive a service animal credential to indicate verification.
  • Service animals must remain by the handler’s side at all times and must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered.
    •  If these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or if the handler’s disability prevents the use of these devices, the handler must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
  • Service animals must be housebroken and should use the service animal relief area.
  • Anyone bringing an animal will be responsible for and liable for any damage or injury caused by the animal.
  • All service animals should have legally required vaccinations. The Accessibility Coordinator or Manager may ask for proof of vaccination during the verification process.
  • All service animals must receive a service animal credential upon arrival and prior to entering the event venue.
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